Doctors in China have used traditional acupuncture to treat human patients and their animal companions for thousands of years. That is why MuraBella Animal Hospital is pleased to provide Pet Acupuncture in Saint Augustine, FL. Dr. Alyce Sims earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree from Auburn University in 1967, and she is certified in Pet Acupuncture by the Chi Institute of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine.
Acupuncture is often the first form of treatment in traditional Chinese medicine. During your pet acupuncture appointment, Dr. Sims will conduct an examination and diagnose your pet before beginning any treatment. She will explain the procedure to you beforehand. An acupuncture session will involve the insertion of sterile needles into very specific points on the body. The needles trigger a biochemical reaction that can relieve pain and help stimulate healing in the tissues of a sick or injured pet. Pet acupuncture has no known side effects, and the procedure is minimally invasive. Humans sometimes experience a tingling sensation when the needles are first inserted, so it’s likely that some animals feel the same way about the procedure. However, pets frequently become relaxed and sleepy once the acupuncture needles are in place.